Many ingredients contained within LEAP2BFIT could, at least in theory, be beneficial in ALS. Some of these ingredients have supporting animal or human studies. However, it is unknown if these ingredients are being provided in therapeutic quantities since the dosages are not disclosed. Furthermore, it is impossible to know the net positive or negative effect of so many ingredients without carefully testing the combination. Based on the above discussions, we do not currently recommend LEAP2BFIT as a way to slow, stop, or reverse ALS.
Patient case reports
Oral curcumin is safe, inexpensive, and has at least four potential mechanisms by which it might theoretically be useful in treating PALS. Flawed preclinical studies showed benefits of a curcumin chemical analog in a cell model of ALS, three PALS experienced validated motor improvements on regimens including curcumin (although there are several alternative explanations for these improvements) and there is one small pilot trial showing some benefit of curcumin in PALS. Based on the evidence presented in this review, some of us are planning a trial of Theracurmin at 90 mg twice daily in PALS.
Click here to download the complete review.
The ALSUntangled program is off to a good start, with a number of specific requests from PALS being investigated by a multi-national group of ALSclinician-scientists. PALS and other clinician-scientists who want to become involved in ALSUntangledcan find instructions online (16)